My Philosophy

My philosophy is simple……

Health is about balance. More importantly, it’s about finding out who you are, what is the best size and look for you and your body shape.  I like to think that my approach is holistic and not extreme in any way.  I eat to live and don’t live to eat.  I believe that adequate nutrition, good water, some moving (not hours in the gym!), good sleep and proper relaxation is what makes us function at a level that can cope with life in this century.  It’s about allowing the wheels to fall off and understanding why they do. 


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My big thing is “this is the real world” and we have to cope with mass produced, high calorie, low nutrition food, pollution, stress and a long list of other harmful toxins and effects that hammer us on a daily basis.  All we have to do is do our best with the knowledge we have available to us right now.  That means that understanding our bodies and health is a journey and a process.  It’s about picking up bits and pieces that resonate with you and following through so that you can be the best you can be.  It’s not about deprivation and punishment. Life is a gift, and so is your health so treat it with the passion and commitment it deserves.  Life is not a dress rehearsal so let’s get to it……  There is a mountain of information and a host of healthy, natural products and foods to make you feel and look fabulous.  Join me on my journey to health and longevity….